Granite State Children's Alliance
The Granite State Children’s Alliance (GSCA) is a statewide chapter organization dedicated to putting the needs of New Hampshire’s child abuse victims first.
Accredited by the National Children’s Alliance, the GSCA operates four Child Advocacy Centers (CACs), directly serving the children of Belknap, Cheshire and Hillsborough Counties. The GSCA also serves as the New Hampshire Chapter of the National Children’s Alliance, providing technical assistance, training, and organizational resources to all Child Advocacy Centers in the State.
Our mission is to provide all victims of child abuse in New Hampshire a neutral environment where justice, healing, equity and prevention are fostered through the consistent, high quality and sustaining collaboration of community partners.Runway to 2021
Improving the CAC experience for children and strengthening pathways for specialized health services for child well being. 2016 was an exciting and pivotal year as engaged a diverse group of stakeholders in yearlong strategic planning initiative. The results of the work will positively affect the direction of our organization, our child protection system in NH and our CAC movement for the future. The report provides and introduction of who we are, what we do and highlights where we are going and can be viewed here GSCA-Strategic Report Runway to 2021 FINALHistory
Here is a brief overview of New Hampshire’s Child Advocacy Center Movement.- New Hampshire’s efforts to better protect its children date back to 1983, when the New Hampshire State Senate established a committee to study the State’s child protection system.
- Recommendations from that committee led to the creation of the Attorney General’s Task Force on Child Abuse, which would ultimately inspire the creation of New Hampshire’s first Child Advocacy Center, the Child Advocacy Center of Rockingham County.
- With the CAC of Rockingham County providing a successful model in 2001, Governor Craig Benson issued an executive order in July, 2003 to establish the Governor’s Commission for Child Protection.
- In November, 2003, that Commission issued its findings and recommended the development of a statewide network of Child Advocacy Centers.
- Governor Benson and Attorney General Peter Heed then secured funding to help establish CACs in every county of the State, with the funding for each Center phasing down over a period of 5 years.
- Today, New Hampshire has 100 percent coverage with a CAC in every county; two in Hillsborough County.