Child Abuse – Know the Signs
Know the Signs
Children are often too scared or ashamed to disclose abuse. It is estimated only 10% (1 in 10 children) of child victims ever come forward on their own. Children depend on caring adults. It is important to know about possible changes in behavior and/or other indicative signs. If you have reason to suspect a child has been abused or neglected, New Hampshire law requires you to report what you know to the Division for Children Youth & Families immediately or local law enforcement.
Children who are abused may not be able to express their feelings safely and as a result, may develop difficulties regulating their emotions.
Possible Indicators of Abuse
The following are SOME of the possible effects, or indications, of child abuse and neglect on a child’s mental health and well being.
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dissociation
- Difficulty concentrating
- Academic problems in school-aged children and adolescents
- Withdrawn and/or difficulty connecting with others
- Flashbacks
- Increased hyper-vigilance
- Difficulty sleeping
- Eating disorders
- Drug use
- Risky sexual decision-making
- Self-harm
- Discomfort with physical touch
Physical Signs of Abuse
Being able to recognize the physical signs of abuse can be crucial in identifying an abusive situation and taking steps to protect a child from further abuse or neglect. These are some common injuries/signs observed in children who have been physically or sexually abused and/or neglected:
- Bruises, welts or swelling
- Sprains or fractures
- Burns
- Lacerations or abrasions
- Difficulty in walking or sitting
- Torn, stained or bloody clothing
- Pain or itching in the genital area; bruises or bleeding in the external genital area
- Sexually transmitted infections or diseases
- Lack of adequate supervision, nutrition or shelter
- Poor hygiene