To Report Suspected Abuse Call DCYF at (800) 894-5533 - For Emergencies Dial 911


Recognize Your Role in the child protection system; as a mandated reporter, we all have a responsibility to protect children

Recognize Your Role in the child protection system; as a mandated reporter, we all have a responsibility to protect children

Be the Difference

Be Educated, to Inform so You Can Protect Children

Understanding the three elements, Educate, Inform, and Protect, in this order, will provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to protect and help a child victimized by abuse and/or neglect get the appropriate support.

Child Advocacy Center (CAC)

How the multidisciplinary team responds to child abuse:
Plan Your KNOW & TELL Training Program Today!

Whether you prefer an in-person presentation, workshop, or online training, we offer a variety of education programs to provide in-depth information on your responsibility to report suspected child abuse, contact us today at 603-864-0216 or request a training session here.