Your CAC Visit
Team Approach
Helping abused children and their families requires an approach that addresses the physical, emotional and legal dimensions of abuse. And it requires a coordinated response from expert professionals to reduce stress throughout the investigation and intervention process. Child Advocacy Centers work in partnership with all the necessary agencies and specialists to coordinate a plan of action. Together, we work with law enforcement, prosecutors, interviewers, social workers, advocates, medical and mental health professionals and others to provide high-quality, specialized services for abused children and their families. What’s more, we provide many of our services in the comfort and convenience of our child-friendly locations.
What are Forensic Interviewers?
Forensic interviewers at New Hampshire’s Child Advocacy Centers are trained in a nationally recognized model of forensic interviewing developed by the National Children’s Advocacy Center. The forensic interviewer has special training and is experienced in talking with children. The interviewer’s goal is to make your child as comfortable as possible gathering information.
Forensic interviews are a first step in child abuse investigations. They produce evidence that can be used in court if an investigation leads to criminal prosecution. Properly conducted forensic interviews are effective because they’re objective, non-leading, and carefully documented.
Inside a CAC
New Hampshire’s Child Advocacy Centers are designed to make children and families feel welcome and safe. Our waiting rooms are child friendly and interview rooms are quiet and comfortable. Children tell what happened to a single, trusted interviewer while other professionals observe on a closed circuit television system.
- Confidentiality and respect for family privacy is very important to us. Our centers have separate areas for private conversations and interviews are scheduled so only one family is at a center at a time.
- Our goals are to aid in the successful prosecution of child abuse crimes, and to do so in a manner that begins the healing for victims.
After The Interview
If your child wants to talk about the interview, listen. Every child’s reaction to the interview will be different, continue to reassure them of your love and support. For more information, to help your child please refer to the following important brochure: Helping your Child Heal from Abuse.