To Report Suspected Abuse Call DCYF at (800) 894-5533 - For Emergencies Dial 911

Be The Difference

Did you know that only 1 in 10 incidents of child abuse are ever reported? For every child victim who finds the courage to report their abuse, we KNOW that 9 do not. New Hampshire is a universal mandated reporting state; however, only 2/3 of adults know they are mandated reporters of child abuse.
 KNOW & TELL is a public responsibility movement, to educate ALL ADULTS to KNOW the signs of abuse and TELL responsible authorities when they recognize them. 
Children depend on you to KNOW the signs. Adults have a responsibility to be aware of any changes in a child’s behavior and the emotional and physical signs that can indicate abuse or neglect. Awareness of these signs is a crucial step to protecting our children. KNOW the signs of abuse and help educate others. 
Children depend on you to be their voice. When a child shares that he or she has been hurt or you suspect that a child may be the victim of any types of abuse or neglect, New Hampshire State Law requires you to report what you know to the Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) Central Intake Unit. 
Be Educated, to Inform, So you Can Protect. Understanding the three elements of KNOW & TELL, Educate, Inform, and Protect, in this order, will provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to protect and help a child victimized by abuse and/or neglect get the appropriate support.
KNOW & TELL is a program of the Granite State Children’s Alliance (GSCA), the Chapter Organization for the network of Child Advocacy Centers. Expert trainers provide interactive and dynamic workshops across NH on how to create a safe community where all adults understand their role as a mandated reporter of child abuse.